Der neue Song von Alanis Morisette beschreibt auf tolle Art, wie wichtig Selbstfürsorge ist.
In dem Song geht es darum, dass es erschöpfend sein kann, immer für
andere da zu sein. Es ist wichtig sich Zeit für Pausen und Erholung zu
nehmen. Im Refrain singt sie: Heute geht es nur um mich, nur darum, wie
ich mich fühle. Heute geht es nur darum zu lernen, wie ich etwas
annehmen kann.
Alanis Morissette – Receive
I wake up and first things first
I’m of service
I make sure your needs are met, I’m so selfless
I give hard and serve hard and now I, I need a break
I give in, I give all and now it’s time to regenerate
Today’s all about me, all about how I’m feeling
Today’s all about me learning how, how to receive
How to receive,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I move on through offerings, I found exciting
Being this low on list of worth, overextended
I give hard, ṗrovide hard and now I need some relief
I look out, I prefer and now I need some respite indeed
Today’s all about me, all about how I’m feeling
Today’s all about me learning how, how to receive
How to receive,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
My habit to love you first, in me it lingers
to renew is so Knee jerk, leaves me a stranger
I give hard and fight hard and now I need to retreat
I give out, dedicate and now I need to acknowledge me
Today’s all about me, all about how I’m feeling
Today’s all about me learning how, how to receive
How to receive,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
How to receive
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
How to receive
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
How to receive
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
How to receive
(von Lyrics Premiere:
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